Thornton Public School

"Deeds Not Words"

Telephone02 4964 1369

School Canteen

Thornton Public School use Flexischools App to place orders and pay for Canteen. See below details on how to do this.


Set up your account


1. Download the Flexischools App

Download the app from the App Store or from Google Play.
Note: for iPhone and iPad please select ‘Allow’ notification


2. Register

Open the Flexischools App and click 'Like to register?', enter your email address and click 'Register'. You will be sent a registration email. Follow the instructions in the registration email to finish setting up your account. Once your account is set up, login to the Flexischools App, select the Profile icon on the grey navigation bar, select Student and 'Add a student', search for their school name, select their year level and class and enter their details.


3. Top Up Your Account

To make ordering fast and simple, you can set up automatic top ups.




1. Place your order

In the Flexischools App, swipe up and down to find the service category you are interested in, swipe left and right to find the service you are interested in and select the green 'Order' button.


2. Make your selection

Select the items you wish to order.


3. Make payment

Select your payment option and complete payment to place your order